

Feb 23

What Is The Proper Cell Phone Etiquette?

Only a few years ago, using your cell phone in public drew rude glances and quiet murmurs of disapproval from passersby. But in 2009, as the cell phone has become a more ubiquitous part of our lives, people seem to be using them everywhere – in restaurants, waiting in line at the post office and even the most hallowed of monuments to polite behavior, the movie theater.

So what is cell phone etiquette in 2009? Does such a thing even exist anymore? The following guide provides a brief overview of what it means to be a polite cell phone user in the 21st century, and how you can stay connected to the most important people in your life…without offending them (or total strangers and acquaintances).

Proper Cell Phone Etiquette Tips

You don’t need to be a student of Emily Post to engage in the following niceties – each one a small tip for living well and getting the most out of your cell phone.

· Watch the conversation in tight places. If you’re sharing a small space with other people, consider this the wrong place to be using your cell phone. In today’s society, personal space is at a premium – don’t make matters worse by injecting your conversation into the equation.

· Don’t be a show off. Economic times are tight, and nobody wants to have your expensive cell phone waved in their face as a sign of conspicuous consumption. If you really want to show off about something, why not brag about how you saved big money on a discount unlocked cell phone, loaded with features that you bought online.

· Don’t screen all your calls. It’s easy to go a little “power mad” with the caller ID system on your cell phone. But try to pick up the occasional call. If you get branded as someone who screens every single call you make, people will stop trying to contact you!

· Keep your voice mails brief. Nobody needs to hear your life story on their voice mail inbox. Just stick to the vital info: name, phone, when you called and why you called. There is nothing worse than having to listen to a message that’s as long as a Stephen King book on tape – and never gets to the point.

· Don’t talk so LOUD. It’s a misconception as old as the device itself, yet people still believe they need to shout in order to be heard by the party on the other end of the call. NEWSFLASH: Technology has come a long way, and your voice is properly amplified without you shouting like a soybean trader on the floor of the NYSE.

· Using text or other functions while driving. Certain things are a breach of etiquette, while others make you a danger to yourself or others. Texting while you drive is so dangerous that recent studies have found that it is on par with drinking-and-driving in terms of the number of accidents it causes. Perhaps that’s why California and other states have created no-texting laws to match their hands-free cell phone laws.

Looking for a one-stop source for unlocked cell phones, discount cell phones from top brands and more? Visit www.cellqueen.com today and choose from a mind-blowing selection of the best phones on the market at prices you’re going to have to see to believe. If you love cell phones, or need cell phone accessories, stop by www.cellqueen.com today!

Mark Etinger is a business strategist at Ajax Union Marketing Ajax Union specializes in Business Development and Internet Marketing

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