

Feb 24

The Definition of an Unlocked Cell Phone

There are many cell phones that use a microchip that is known as a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) card which stores

the subscriber data. The service provider who will provide service for the cell phone is issued the SIM card which will

activate the cell phone that the SIM card is inserted into. However, a locked cell phone only recognizes a SIM card that is

from a certain service provider. A cell phone that is unlocked will recognize the SIM card that is from any service provider.

The lock is the software that makes the user of the cell phone to continue to use one service provider.

In regions such as the US where the service providers offer deeply discounted cell phones or free cell phones plans, the cell

phones are usually so that they won’t work with other service providers. The Service providers claim that this is necessary

to subsidize the cost of the cell phones. After some period of time, a service provider may agree to unlock the cell phone on

request, but may charge a fee. But, as a result of proprietary settings that are sometimes installed in cell phones that have

been locked, the cell phones won’t always function properly with other service providers, even after they are unlocked.

From the consumer’s viewpoint, the fact that service providers lock cell phones and use proprietary settings will defeat some

of the benefits of the SIM cell phones. In a perfect world, the cell phones should be unlocked after the initial contract

expires or left unlocked altogether.

There is one method to receive a cell phone that is unlocked that doesn’t have proprietary settings which is to purchase it

from a third party vendor new in its unlocked, original state. The disadvantage to this is that the price is usually close to

full retail. Many consumers may find it difficult to pay a large amount of money for a cell phone that they can get for free

with a service plan. The advantage is that the cell phones that are unlocked by a third party should work just as well as

with any service provider that uses a SIM card.

Most third party services will unlock your cell phone for a fee because unlocked cell phones are in such demand. However,

this doesn’t guarantee that the cell phone will always work properly because the proprietary settings may remain. However, a

cell phone that is unlocked incorrectly may be rendered inoperable.

Click here to find unlocked cell phones and buy blackberry


Can we unlock your phone? Start here!

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