

Mar 12

Pay as you go phones VS SIM free phones: Choose the best that gives you all you need

Mobile phones have become a basic necessity of our life and without this gadget we feel incomplete. To fulfill all our technological requirements the leading mobile phone companies are launching their best handsets in the market. These smart phones are available in the market through various mobile phone deals that are launched by the leading network providers of UK like the O2,Orange,Vodafone,Virgin, T-mobile,Three and many more. Through these deals you not only get your dream handset at cheap rates but you can also get free gifts and incentives with them that reduces your monthly phone bills and save your hard earned money. There aer several mobile phone deals available in the market like the Contract deals ,Pay as you go deals ,SIM free deals and others.

In Pay as you go deals the user gets his desired handset but this mobile phone comes network locked. These network locked mobile phones work on a certain network and the user is bound to use the facilities and services of that network only he cannot switch network. In some networks there are provisions that they can get there mobile phones unlocked like in O2 otherwise it is not possible. These mobile phones comes network locked and due to this reason only these mobile phones are cheaper as compared to others phones available in the market and this is a reason for the popularity of these mobile phones in the market.

Other type of mobile phone deal is the SIM free deals . In this type of deal the user gets a handset that he desires he is not needed to sign a contract with any network nor the phone comes network locked the user gets a mobile phone and is has the freedom to choose a network provider that he thinks is is giving outstanding services and facilities. These mobile phones are best for those who travel a lot so they can change the network provider whenever they want.

Raina Kelsey is a webmaster and writes technology related articles. Know more about Cheap pay as you go phones and Sim free mobile phones

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