There’s a new cell phone feature coming out every hour it seems. For the average consumer it’s not easy to keep up with all of them. In fact, for some of us it’s so overwhelming that we just stop trying to follow the latest greatest applications altogether. Mobile owners such as Verizon Cell Phones simply can’t keep up with it all. This list will give a few popular ones to consider. It is not meant to bombard and overload you with options just give you a few easy and popular ideas to consider. Ease into the world of gadgets for devices like Palm Cell Phones and see if anything can help you on a regular basis. In no particular, let’s get rolling.
Do socially awkward conversations just make you more awkward and uncomfortable? Do you end up in visible pain and lying through your teeth like a jerk? If so Popularity Dialer is the tool for you and any Verizon Cell Phones. With this you can schedule one of many prerecorded messages to call you at a specific time. So if you’re going on a blind date or meeting someone’s parents and you know there’s a good chance it will be an awful experience, have one scheduled. It will call your Palm Cell phone and something like your boss, a sick relative, etc. Simply chat along with the message and bail on the whole situation!
Leaving yourself a message/reminder has just gotten a mobile face lift. With Jott and Braincast you can call a special number, leave any number of messages to yourself and they will automatically be sent to your email. This allows you to have the message without adding junk to your voicemail. And who wants to listen to their own voice anyway? A nice little tool if you’re concerned about forgetting something small or vital during the day or week.
Do you hate being away from the news and worse yet, your specific news feeds that you’ve set up on your computer? It always feels like you’re out of the loop whether its local, national, sports, entertainment, or weather news, or a combination. With Google Reader on the run, you can always have those feeds feeds right in the palm of your hand or Palm Cell Phone, for that matter. Just take the browser to the mobile section of the page and you’re ready to go!
These are just a few popular options out there today. This will not overwhelm the average user nor will it bore them. These are all great tools that cater to a variety of people out there. So take a minute to check them out and let the convenience come to you.
Article written by Paul Wise after extensive research on Verizon Cell Phones. If you are in the market for Palm Cell Phones, Paul recommends visiting They offer a great selection and wonderful service.
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