Chad Ochocinco, formerly Chad Johnson, is the outspoken, flamboyant and most importantly, the biggest offensive threat the Cincinnati Bengals have had in at least twenty years. Ochocinco is the receiver that taunts the cornerbacks, safeties and linebackers that try to cover him. If he’s not spitting trash talk to the news media then he is doing it organically via Twitter or text message with Motorola Cell Phones. Who’s to say if he uses unlocked cell phones. But most recently, amidst the Bengals second winning season in twenty years, the 2009 campaign to be exact, Ochocinco has upped the ante to making his own sports news media site, OCNN.
OCNN stands for Ochocinco Network News and comes with the slogan, “if I break it, you might as well believe it.” While the plan has yet to come to the forefront and blossom into what Ochocinco is striving for, the plan does include equipping players with Motorola Cell Phones, possibly unlocked cell phones, and have them tweet (the term used for sending a Twitter message) big news stories before major media networks get wind of it. The Motorola Cell Phones use the innovative MotoBlur technology that will be integral for OCNN.
MotoBlur is a “life streaming” software developed by Motorola Cell Phones for Android devices. It is the only software to automatically deliver and organize your conversations and friends and content from a variety of sources, that is social networking sites like Twitter, right to your phone. There all of it is placed on your phone in easy to manage streams at the home screen of the phone. Thus players will see other player’s updates as well as updates from the media, all naturally popping up on their phones home screen. So there’s no searching for the content and knowing what is new, old, irrelevant or otherwise pertinent, it is already organized and ready to read.
Initially the idea comes off as funny, ridiculous or even laughable, mainly because it comes from Ochocinco whose reputation is tied more closely with saying the outlandish to get attention rather than actually being credible or news worthy. However, this integration of Motorola Cell Phones Motoblur technology along with those who hear the news first, or better yet, are the news, is an incredible idea. If properly organized, which in itself would be incredibly difficult, this could be a way to bypass major media and release the news from those that know it best. Despite all the hang-ups that could occur along the way, including much conflict of interest, this is an innovative idea that the author believes is Ochocincos best. It proves the man is an outside the box thinker that can provide more to the world than breathtaking catches and jukes and hilarious touchdown dances.
Article written by Paul Wise, after extensive research on Unlocked Cell Phones. If you are in the market for Motorola Cell Phones, Paul recommends visiting They offer a great selection and wonderful service.
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