

Mar 09

HTC Cell Phones Teaming Up With Naughty By Nature

Microsoft dug deep into the 90’s hip-hop scene and found promotion of new HTC Cell Phones, which carry Microsoft Mobile technology, via Naughty By Nature. The promotion with HTC Cell Phones is simply a month long opportunity to sign up to win a free HTC Cell Phones fully customized by Naughty By Nature. In addition the winner will win a trip to see Naughty By Nature live in Los Angeles, California at the Nokia Theatre, all expenses paid, plus a free download of their new single “Get To Know Me Better.” The song is all about Unlocked Cell Phones; hah, no not really. Did you believe me?

The deal is interesting as Naughty By Nature are past their prime. However they were a very popular group in the nineties and this could be the beginning of a comeback for the Hip Hop Trio. After all, Hip Hop continues to see a growing fan base and the now legendary nineties rappers like Q-Tip are making comebacks, so it definitely seems reasonable. Either way both parties seem happy with Vinnie Brown of Naughty By Nature saying “As a fan of Microsoft products, I’m super pumped about Naughty’s promotion with Windows Mobile. I’m a Windows Mobile power user and eager to educate others about the future of mobile computing. This is just the beginning.”

So this certainly seems like an honest endorsement by the group, not a just a money making deal. Whatever the case may be the winner will receive Unlocked Cell Phones featuring zero-wait push internet and the Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional system, which is said to be the perfect phone for the business person on the go. It is a combination of tech savvy wiz and music loving, making a great phone for a wide variety of users. And this is not the only time Microsoft has hooked up in a hip-hop manner, in 2008 they hooked up with Common, a rapper based out of Chicago, to launch a clothing line known as Softwear.

We shall see where this deal leads but it seems a safe bet for both sides. While Naughty By Nature gets to please fans and get hooked up with cool phones Microsoft is connecting not only to Hip Hop but to old school Hip Hop. And they are hitting a specific niche, showing they know that more is out there that just what is played on the radio today and quite frankly, they deserve credit for that. Rarely do you see a company of that stature go the underground route. Good choice, it will pay off for them, Naughty By Nature and HTC Cell Phones.

Paul Wise, the author of this article, has researched Unlocked Cell Phones extensively. If you are in need of HTC Cell Phones, Cellification.com has a wide selection and offers unbeatable prices and service.

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