Most of us who use cell phone know very little about them. All one really needs to know is that it will make call when you need it to, and now days, entertain you pants right off if you so desire. It can also act as a camera, laptop, office assistant, calendar, to name a few. But no matter how much it does for us we still know relatively little about the device. So maybe you’ve heard of CDMA cell phones and GSM cell phones, but do you really know the difference? If not, you’re not alone. This article aims to clear up any confusion or better yet simply shed some light on the difference.
Unlocked GSM Cell Phones stands for Global System for Communication and provides service to approximately 82% of the mobile device world. CDMA Cell Phones or Code Division Multiple Access phone make up the other 18% of the market, mostly in the United States. GSM uses SIM cards (Subscriber Identity Modules) in their phones. With GSM, when a new phone is purchased all the personal information can be transferred from one device to the next. CDMA on the other hand, do not use SIM cards but they do use a database that can store the information so that if a phone is lost or broken the information can still be passed onto a new device.
If traveling abroad is a commonality for someone then the CDMA cell phones take a back seat to GSM Cell Phones and Unlocked GSM Cell Phones. Because GSM is used widely used in Europe and Asia and actually in 74% of the markets across the globe, this phone is very easy to use abroad. CDMA Cell Phones on the contrary offers no multiband capability. However service providers that use CDMA now offer a few phones with quad-band GSM built into the device.
In terms of data transfer CDMA Cell Phones high speed technology (1xRTT) is faster than GSM Cell Phones (GPRS). However the CDMA technology needs a dedicated connection, meaning calls will be block, but this is not the case with Unlocked GSM Cell Phones.
All in all, few customers really know the difference between CDMA and GSM. And in reality, even after understanding the difference many still can’t discern the difference if they have used both technologies. It is usually more about the features offered on the phone that the customer uses, the call quality and the service provided by their carrier that makes the real difference. But hey, now you know.
Paul Wise, the author of this article, has researched Unlocked GSM Cell Phones extensively. If you are in need of CDMA Cell Phones, has a wide selection and offers unbeatable prices and service.
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