The prospect of owning locked Blackberry smart phones is becoming undesirable nowadays, as most people are aware of the benefits of an unlocked smart phone. When you have a locked phone, and your service provider has poor network signal at a location, you are handicapped in the sense that you would not be able to obtain coverage, thus you would fail to receive calls and make calls as well.
You could use another SIM card from another network provider, but when your phone is locked, even this option is not possible for you! But once you unlock your Blackberry with an unlock Blackberry code, you would then be able to access any GSM network around you with an appropriate prepaid SIM card. This applies when you travel to other countries as well, all you require is a local prepaid SIM card, and you would be able to access the local GSM networks easily. This saves you the trouble of paying outrageous roaming charges when you are abroad.
Unlocking your Blackberry smart phone is not a model-specific process, you can use it for any Blackberry model. The Blackberry Storm is one of the most popular of Blackberry models out there, and if you are the proud owner of one, you should first check if your phone is locked or unlocked. To accomplish this, simple insert a foreign SIM card into your phone (one that was not provided by your service provider). If your phone can read the SIM card, your phone is unlocked, but if an error message appears, you should then realize that your phone is indeed locked! Unlocking your phone to enjoy the various benefits of a restriction-free phone would be the next step, but how does one unlock a Blackberry Storm? Let us see how this can be done.
Before starting the unlocking process, you should first obtain a MEP unlock code that is sold online for approximately $5. You could choose to purchase the code and unlock the phone yourself, or visit one of the many mobile stores out there and get an experienced technician to help your with the process, for a small fee of course. But considering that the process is fairly simple, you could so it yourself! To unlock your phone, insert a foreign SIM card into your phone, something that would prompt your phone to display an message that requires an unlocking code.
Simply insert your MEP code, and switch on your Storm. Next head to the “MANAGE CONNECTIONS” tab, and switch on your mobile network. When this is completed, you would have a Blackberry Storm that can detect any GSM networks out there without any hassle, and rest assured that it is completely legal as well as you are simply returning your phone to its original factory settings!
The simple method above should help you successfully unlock your Blackberry Storm, and you could then proceed to enjoy the many advantages of a phone that has no network restrictions whatsoever. You would also be able to insert any SIM card into the phone, and use it any time that you want to, instead of having to change your phone each time you want to use a different network provider.
It is possible to unlock your Blackberry phone by obtaining <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’]);” href=””>Blackberry unlock code</a> – if you need that code, find out more about it via
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