

Mar 05

Palm Has Successfully Unlocked Cell Phones Marketing Secrets

Palm Cell Phones has just received the best endorsement a company can get: free endorsements. But that’s not all, the company got two of them. That’s right Palm Cell Phones have been endorsed by two big names, perhaps you’ve heard of them. One is Angelina Jolie, the star of the Tomb Raider films as well as the wife of Brad Pitt. The other endorsement comes not from a single person but rather an entity all its own: Playboy Magazine. Yes, these two endorsements are absolute monstrosities especially when you consider that the partnership came without any push from Palm Cell Phones, other than the fact that they have built incredible products that the public seems to enjoy.

Yes, Palm may have successfully unlocked cell phones secret marketing campaigns. Make a good enough product and the publicity will come to you. In the case of Angelina Jolie, she apparently went on candidly about the Palm Pre for a few minutes. She said, more or less, that she thinks the software is the best on the market, that the keypad is excellent and user friendly and that the screen is vibrant and beautiful. This coming from not only a big time movie star but also from a tech geek who apparently reads up on these types of things and really knows her stuff.

In addition to Jolie, Playboy seems to be on the Palm Cell Phones bandwagon, giving them another treat in terms of unlocked cell phones secrets. Again, free endorsements. Yes, the wonderful men’s magazine, loves the Palm Pre. They apparently called it “lustworthy” as well as stated that the phone “radically simplifies the life of the average mobile beautiful person.” What this means exactly, I’m not sure. However, being featured in the mantrack section of Playboy is never a bad thing especially if all they do is praise the said item. So there it is.

Apparently a good product does more marketing than a marketing team ever could. When no time or money is spent marketing but the product is getting various coverage from huge names in the world, then you have successfully unlocked cell phones secret marketing tools. How did Palm do this? They made a good product and didn’t try to make it out to be something it is not. Rather they just let its functionality speak for itself. Well, we the public have heard, and so far we like it, a lot.

Paul Wise, the author of this article, has researched Unlocked Cell Phones extensively. If you are in need of Palm Cell Phones, Cellification.com has a wide selection and offers unbeatable prices and service.

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