

Feb 24

Recycling Your Old Cell Phone Is Responsible, Easy And Free

If you’ve bought a new cell phone recently, then you know saying goodbye to your old phone is often hard to do. A recent survey found that the majority of Canadians keep their old phones in storage. When asked, two-thirds of Canadians with an old phone in storage said they would be willing to recycle it.

Recycle My Cell is a free national program that lets users find out where and how to properly dispose of their cell phones and other wireless devices at www.RecycleMyCell.ca. The program, which incorporates numerous recycling initiatives across the country, is organized by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association in conjunction with cell phone carriers and handset manufacturers.

Many different items are accepted for recycling, including smartphones, pagers, wireless air cards, batteries and accessories. Surprisingly, approximately 96 per cent of a cell phone is recyclable. All phones recovered are recycled or refurbished appropriately and in accordance with international e-waste laws.

The Web site allows consumers to simply enter their postal code to locate the drop-off location closest to them where their devices will be accepted, regardless of brand or condition. If you can’t visit one of these drop-off locations in person, www.RecycleMyCell.ca provides postage-paid labels to use for mailing these devices, making recycling a wireless device hassle-free and at no cost to the consumer. In addition, recycling your old phone helps numerous national and local charities who benefit either from direct re-use of parts, or from sales of recyclable products within these devices.


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